2024 Wheel of the Year - 8 Celebrations in Tune with Nature

1- February 2 - Imbolc / Mid-Winter - Candlemas (Christian) - Chinese New Year
Saturday Feb 10th KK Retreat - New Year - Self Care : LOVE
2- March 19 - Equinox Spring
Saturday March 9th - KK Spring Retreat - Day Light Savings Weekend
3- May 1 - Beltane - Mid-Spring
Saturday April 27th KK Mid-Spring Retreat (weekend before Beltane (May 1)
4- June 20 - Solstice Summer
Saturday June 15th : Summer Slow Down Retreat (weekend before Solstice)
5- August 2 - Lammas / Mid-Summer
Saturday Aug 10th MidSummer Night Retreat - School is Starty (Aug 2 Lammas)
6- September 22 - Equinox Fall
Saturday September 7th Fall Retreat / Saturday 28th backup
7- October 31 - Samhain / Mid-Fall
Saturday October 26th - Halloween Retreat - Ancestors Retreat - Pumpkins
8- December 21 Solstice Winter
Saturday December 14th KK Retreat : Winter Solstice